Best Of All Time: 50 Of The Most Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics

Some of the images people post online can range from cute to an utter spit in the face of photography. But there is a specific subset of absurd pictures where a person has decided that no one will notice the mountain of filters they have applied.
We’ve gathered some of the most egregious examples of “Instagram versus reality” on the internet. We also got in touch with Erin Vogel, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center to discuss beauty standards and how they warp people’s perceptions. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and share your thoughts below.


Thank You Tinder For The Incoming Nightmares Ill Have Tonight

Thank You Tinder For The Incoming Nightmares Ill Have Tonight


Internal Organs? Never Heard Of ‘Em

Internal Organs? Never Heard Of 'Em

3 I’m Sensing A Filter

I’m Sensing A Filter

Bored Panda got in touch with Erin Vogel, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and she was kind enough to share some thoughts with us on beauty standards, what causes them, where they come from and what people can do to change their mindset.

“Beauty standards are rooted in systems of power. People with privilege set standards that are not attainable—and maybe not desirable—for most people. For example, in the United States, many beauty standards are centered around White people’s appearances.”


Omeone Needs To Come Take Their Moms Phone (In The Comments She Swears She Didn’t Edit)

Omeone Needs To Come Take Their Moms Phone (In The Comments She Swears She Didn't Edit)

5 Must Be Her Sister In The Car

Must Be Her Sister In The Car


Nearly Had A Heart Attack When I Opened Tinder This Morning

Nearly Had A Heart Attack When I Opened Tinder This Morning

“Advertisements, both online and offline, reinforce the idea that we need to spend money on products and services to look a certain way to be attractive and feel good about ourselves,” she shared. After all, if you constantly feel like your own body, hair or face is a problem, chances are you’ll spend money to “fix” it.


One Of Those Whitening Ads Again

One Of Those Whitening Ads Again


He Has One Sky That Follows Him Around Everywhere He Goes. Amazing How Its So Consistent!

He Has One Sky That Follows Him Around Everywhere He Goes. Amazing How Its So Consistent!


Photographer’s Page vs. Model’s Page

Photographer’s Page vs. Model’s Page

We also wanted to know if there were any other “sources” of beauty standards. “Traditional media and social media both play a role in setting beauty standards. When people with certain features (e.g., thinner or more muscular bodies) are consistently shown in the media, we collectively start to believe that those features are ideal.”


Her Entire Profile Is Filled With These!

Her Entire Profile Is Filled With These!

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