50 Celebrities That Messed Up So Badly That Barely Anyone Respects Them Anymore

The members of the AskReddit online community spilled the beans about which celebrities they have personally lost any and all respect for due to their atrocious behavior. You’ll find their thoughts below. Feel free to chime in with your own opinions in the comments.


A person wearing sunglasses and a black suit taking a selfie in a modern room, highlighting celebrity status issues.

Tom Hanks

…isn’t on this list because he’s wholesome as f**k and a world-class gentleman.


Prince Andrew…..for minor reasons.


Celebrity on stage at Comic-Con, speaking into a microphone, with Comic-Con logos in the background.I’ll mention a group: Actor Scientologists. When the whole Scientology news exploded roughly 8 years ago, I lost all respect.

Let’s not be naive or holier-than-thou: everyone makes mistakes. To err is human, and all that. And to a certain extent, everyone deserves a second chance, forgiveness, and the opportunity to make amends. However, some sins are so egregious that it makes you wonder if redemption is even possible.

Fully protecting your reputation is impossible. However, a good rule of thumb is to avoid acting impulsively. If you think you’re about to make an important decision, write an angry comment, be rude, do something unethical, etc., it’s vital that you stop and think.


Man in a leather jacket and cap standing against a concrete wall, embodying the theme of celebrity fallout.

Chris Brown. The whole “he hit Rihanna” thing was downplayed in the media. Read the actual police report and you’ll see that he tormented and even attempted to kill her. And this man is still walking and making music and garnering fans. Really does make me sick.


A celebrity in a black shirt sitting at a conference table, speaking into a microphone.Elon Musk, I got caught up in romantisizing the progress he was apparently making towards space travel. I remember saying I thought he was the closest we’d get to a real-life Zefram Cochrane. When I came to realise he was just another billionaire buying ideas and taking credit for them I stopped respecting him pretty quickly.
Marilyn Manson, I don’t think I need to really explain why.


Pissed with Robin Williams for dying before I could hug him.

Give yourself some time to think things over if you feel like you’re in a situation where you’re very emotional and about to potentially make a mistake.

Try to consider the consequences of your actions, both immediate and long-term. Run your decision by the people you trust the most. If you have a public relations expert or a manager on your payroll, definitely get in touch with them.

Forbes notes that something you should always think twice before responding to someone in anger or frustration. Especially in a work context.


Blonde woman in a lace headpiece and ornate necklace, posing for a selfie.Madonna, ever since I found out she dumped her three chihuahuas at a dodgy kill shelter and one of them died after having its face mauled while the other two were basically starving by the time they were rescued. She was literally Madonna, she could have found them a good home. Or you know, literally hired someone just to care for them.

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